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project 2
Overview of the project, we were required to pick 6-7 group members to start the assignment. Then we were to choose a TWO (2) story house. We were to produce a construction drawing that consist of detailing of building elements which include floor, wall, door, window, staircase, and roof based on the selected double-story terraced house that the group has selected. We were also will be randomly assigned either reinforced concrete (R.C) or timber. We were also required to build a sectioned model physically on the terrace house that had been chosen by the students.
Overall, what I have gained from the assignment is that I've learned much more about sectioned materials. For example, the part that I drew was the FLOOR TO ROOF section detailed. I was required to draw a detailed sectioned of a R.C Brick wall. By doing so, i've learned what materials they used and why they used that specific materials. What can be improved? I think that the drawings can be improved. Demensions should be added aswell for both drawings.
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