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In this assignment we were required to create a map of our country, decide how large or small should it be. Does it have coastline? Does it border another country? Is it an island? and Where in the world is it located? We were given 5 stages which was EMPATHY,DEFINE,IDEATION,PROTOTYPE & PRESENT.
Visualize our personalities and character individually.
Visualize what you imagine and your desire to create our own country.
Combine personalities and character from empathy to create your country.
Identify and mark the exact location of your country on the world map.
Produce a minimum of 3 ideas proposal for the map and flag from your ideas.
Use drawings, sketching, painting or collage to visualize your ideas.
Create a story/narrative the meaning of your country by drawing/sketching it out.
Select the best idea from ideation to further develop and experiment.
Completed design of your MAP with labels and annotation, and FLAG with labels and annotations.
Play around with your map/flag with different form.
Firstly, we get in a group discussing on how should we create our country and mark off where should the country be. We then start off with the empathy which was for us to visualize our personalities and characteristic individually. Define, we combined all our personalities and characteristic from the empathy part to create the country. We then create a story/narrative the meaning of our country. Ideation, We created 3 different ideation for both flag and map. Prototype, then we selected the best idea from the ideation and further develop the idea that had been chosen. For the final part which was present, It was completed version of the Map and Flag with both lables and annotation.
Final Work
Discipline Specific Knowledge
In this assignment, in order for us to create our own country we first have the do a research on some of the things that we want to put into our country. We then also created our own motto for our country.
Interpersonal skills
In this assignment, i've learned how to share ideas with my team members. We know it's not that easy to agree on something as a team. We must use our interpersonal skills to agree on something so that we as a team can successfully achieve our ending goals.
Problem Solving Skills
This assignment has definitely trained our problem solving skills as we were required to thinking of how do we create our own country. We then also had to create our own map and our own flag from scratch this require a lot of problem solving skills from each of our team members.
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