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1. Self-Reflection regarding the lecture, module assessments, and projects given this semester
My thoughts on this module is that it is a moderately simple and straightforward module. I learnt various interesting facts on ancient civilisations and their architecture
2. Your perspective on ONLINE LEARNING this semester (TIMeS, TEAMS, FACEBOOK, etc)
In my opinion on the Online learning approach for this module is it is overdone, , I think that we should have physical classes as some of us don't get to concentrate during the lecture because we sometimes get distracted by small things around us.
3. Your perspective on your Tutor and Module
Besides the lack of in-person classes, the tutors have been great and friendly. The tutors are great at teaching and guiding the students. The tutors and Module Coordinators have also been extremely understanding and kind to the students, especially on assignment deadlines.
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