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In this assignment we were required to create an image/poster/collage with given prompts/statement. We were given 5 stages which was EMPATHY,DEFINE,IDEATION,PROTOTYPE & PRESENT.
Select 1 Prompt from each table A,B,C
Do a research on the prompts and visualize it by using visual note or mind maps
Combining all the 3 prompts into a 1 and create a story.
Use visual notes or mind map
Produce a minimum of 3 artwork from your ideas.
Use drawings, sketching, painting or collage to visualize your artwork.
Select the best idea from ideation to further develop and experiment.
Name your final artwork and present it in 1 page.
Play around with your drawing with different form.
First off, I did the empathy part which was for me to pick 1 prompt from each table A,B and C. Next was define, I then proceed on combining all 3 of the prompts into an artwork so that I can create a story based on the prompt that I've picked. After Define was Ideation, I've produced 3 artwork from the ideas that I've collected through research. Finishing it off with prototype, I've selected the best idea from the ideation that I've formed and I further develop and experiment with the artwork. Lastly, Present which was for me to create a name for the final artwork and present it as a collage.
Problem Solving Skills
Life Long Learning
Intrapersonal Skills
This assignment has definitely trained our problem solving skills as we were required to think of an artwork based on the given prompts. For example, we have to create an artwork that is related to prompts that we chose and we have to provide a story line behind the artwork that we produced.
This assignment required me to further do research on the prompts that were given. For example, I have do a research on a specific things like something soft, sad and dark. So this assignment has really provided me the opportunity study more about this world, about things that I might not have the chance to know.
Through this assignment, I have gained intrapersonal skills. I have learned to be discipline on doing the assignment. Finding the information online and doing research by myself have helped me to be independent in doing the assignment. I was also able to focus on doing the assignment for a long time which have trained my concentration on doing work.
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